Bicknell Crescent house

Bicknell Crescent house
In the beginning...

After some landscaping...

Friday, March 26, 2010

What happened while I was in Puerto Rico?

So I ran away for a week with two girlfriends to Puerto Rico - a birthday gift from Andrew to me and my friend Christina for her 40th and my... 55th!  We took another friend along and headed for Christina's cousin's condo outside San Juan.  Lovely week of beaches, waterfalls, snorkelling and "fuzzy drinks at five"... Ahhh... totally indulgent.
Then it was back in the saddle - office, school and... reno, of course!  So what happened in the house while I was away?  Some walls got framed, some more tar paper went up, and most of all, the basement became festooned with electrical wire!  Mike had been busy re-locating all the light fixtures, outlets and boxes required to adjust every electrical connection after the original walls were moved. Some walls moved less than 6 inches, but what that did to the wiring...  Lots of work, looked kind of like this:
Mike O'Neill amid framing remnants and electrical progress...

I was a little discouraged, I guess - I had hoped the walls might be farther along, more visible progress maybe?  But some progress just isn't very visible, so I adjusted my faith and hope meter, and figured I have a lot to learn about renovating.  (Duh!)  And the work carried on...

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