Bicknell Crescent house

Bicknell Crescent house
In the beginning...

After some landscaping...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Reclaimed Insulation Makes a Come-Back in the Basement

Who knew that insulation that H. and Cam reclaimed from a local industrial site would end up in our basement?  Last summer, H. and Cam retrieved bats of pink insulation from an industrial location that was renovating.  The stuff was in perfect condition, completely reusable, and they had someplace to store it, so... why let it go into a landfill?
     Today, Andrew and Elliott Perkins got the fluffy stuff out of storage, and Andrew hoofed it down the basement stairs.  It's destined to fill the newly-framed walls, in between the basement rooms, for both acoustic and thermal insulation.  Ahh... the colour of peace and quiet...

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