Bicknell Crescent house

Bicknell Crescent house
In the beginning...

After some landscaping...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dump run
Monday, January 18, 2010
7:00 am. I rolled over and pulled up the covers as Andrew whispered in my ear, "I'm off to the dump!" with a trailer load of debris from the basement demolition to unload before picking me up for work.
Glazed in ice, the slippery driveway and then the dump platform made it impossible to execute the dump run completely before work, so the remainder of the load trailed Andrew all day, bits of basement panelling sticking out behind. Tomorrow will be a better day. Eric Vreeken got the basement cleaned out some more, and the energy audit tomorrow should tell us exactly what we need to improve the "R value" when we re-insulate the walls. It can only get better, right?

I have this nagging worry about the parquet floors we're counting on refinishing. Hugh pointed out how the glue has dried up under the parquet pieces, and they lift out like so many little dominoes... How many dominoes will fall when we un-carpet the entire house??? How big is that contingency line in the budget? I like the cork we picked for the kitchen; I wonder how much of it I could stand?

I hope Neil doesn't get discouraged about the prospects for a livable basement space. He chose to have his bedroom there, the largest one in the house, and it's among the first to go... And no doubt the first to look better, eventually!

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