Bicknell Crescent house

Bicknell Crescent house
In the beginning...

After some landscaping...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Moving, moving... moved!

     Moving day arrived, on Good Friday - an apt metaphor as our life on Stormont was being crucified... Gentleman Movers took everything I’d labeled with green tape out the front door, and Andrew’s army of friends taking everything labeled with blue tape out the back.  Or sometimes the front – congenial congestion!  Rob, Eric and Alex hauled the lawn furniture, mowers, and wheelbarrows in our trailer.  Rebecca and Stefan toted all the art with loving care.  Mark and Debbie cleaned the hardwood dust from the new house, while Beth scoured the fridge to make it usable. (Without hot or running water, buckets were filled at the neighbours' hose and heated on the stove for cleaning...)  Pat and Brian pitched in with cleaning and moving, Carrie tackled the vacuuming at the old house, and Maggie excavated and defrosted the fridge and freezer.  With our big freezer in storage, Maggie took our food to her house, where we now shop for frozen food until our freezer comes home!    H. and his truck took the heaviest, bulkiest loads.  Boxes filled every room.  Furniture, tools and debris of every description littered the garage and driveway.

 The only phone was my cell, which failed and was replaced with a loaner, which I couldn’t figure out how to answer.

       The puppy went to the new house with Andrew, and the cat and dog waited patiently in the car until the last minute, when I drove them over to the new house where they waited in the bedroom until the front door was reliably closed.  Oops – no interior doors reliably close; the door hardware was all removed in preparation for replacement.  At one point, as I leaned against the wall gazing at the chaos, the cat emerged from an open duct.  Good thing the furnace wasn’t on yet...  

      Ollie supervised from the shade of the front yard

      Andrew found a use for the bottoms of boxes.  Without closet rods or shelving restored after painting, at least there was something in the linen closet to put the towels on...
     Andrew and Beth peered over the chaos, taking a break from organizing the kitchen.

But it wasn't utter chaos for long!
     By the end of the day, the boxes were in rooms where they belonged, the sparkling fridge full of food, dishes in the cupboards, bathroom plumbing worked without hot water, and one bed was made – for us to fall into.  Martin and Maggie graciously had us over for dinner, their house just a short walk around the block.  We picked up a few remaining items from Stormont in the following days, including the garbage and recycling, and Andrew hand-washed the kitchen floor before we said good-bye to a lovely neighbourhood, a happy interlude in our lives.  Neighbours said good-bye and good luck, and we left.
26 Stormont Ave. 
     On to 230 Bicknell, another lovely neighbourhood, with wonderful neighbours emerging from every house to welcome us. And, the bulbs I planted last fall were popping up – the beginning of the garden.
        The last of the team paused for a champagne toast - a split that we "split" among 8 of us!
Back row: Maggie, Martin, Beth, Andrew
Front: H., Erin, Elliott

 Erin, H., Barb and Andrew
 Barb and Andrew toast a new life!

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