Bicknell Crescent house

Bicknell Crescent house
In the beginning...

After some landscaping...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My introduction to drywall mud...

Andrew and I spent the afternoon with H., stripping wallpaper and sanding drywall mud so the painter can get going tomorrow.
I have never done this, although I'm acquainted with the insidious pervasiveness of drywall dust.  I don't think I'll become a construction worker overnight anytime soon!  I clearly need to work up to this.  I was reminded of Mr. Miyagi teaching The Karate Kid to strengthen and quicken his arms - "Wax on, wax off..." - alternating left and right arms in circular motions until I thought both arms would fall off.  I fell asleep on a pile of flooring boxes, resting and stretching my back.  Nice to work on our nest together - quite the romantic Valentine's weekend!  After throwing together a curry vegetable stew and biscuits for my crew (wait - Andrew is the GC and H. is the expert here, I'm the crew!) I'm headed directly to the bathtub, with a nice cool beer.  I'm sure my shoulders deserve it!

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